Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and my inbox has been filling up with Event Styling requests. Some from romantics who want to surprise their spouse with a new sexy look and others from singles who are wanting to dress to impress.
I too thought I’d get a head start by choosing just the right outfit that would make Mr. Wonderful turn Fifty Shades of Red, if you know what I mean. But with all the blizzard warnings we’ve been hit with this past week, I’m afraid my red Valentine may end up a white one; and a cold one too! Minus 27? Those are numbers I only want to see posted on my future birthday cards, not on my weather app.
So for us dress lovers, who’s idea of a sexy evening for two has been blown over by these chilled winds; here's a sneak peek of my latest inspiration for the perfect Valentine’s Day dress up, fit for the Maritimes. Since my shopping plans were cancelled, not once, but twice already, due to bad weather, I created a brand new look with items found in my own closet.
With pastels and burgundy in, this season, this light pink sweater and silk pants are the perfect mates. Black and white shoes and a matching clutch purse add contrast to this unpredictable combination. Speaking of contrast, the pearl and rhinestone shoulder details bring a touch of fancy to this casual ensemble; but a punch of glam is what I'm looking for. This exquisite neck piece is an excellent choice to make you fall head over heels in love with this revamped look which will warm your hearts, and the rest of you.
So, if you're looking for love this Valentine's Day, look no further. It may have been in front of you all along.
Wishing you warmth, love and style this Valentine's Day ~ The Style Coach
Photos courtesy of Yorke Photography
Makeup Artist Annie Grondin